Entrepreneurs, we salute you!
We know you work hard and have made some sacrifices over the years to establish your business. Starting your own business is not for the faint of heart, and you’ve had to overcome a measure of fear and the monotonous stability of working for another employer. Entrepreneurs work longer than average hours and have to adapt quickly in changes to technology to further their business goals. Interestingly, their numbers are growing. Our provincial economy is no longer dominated by forestry and mining. Combined, tourism, beverage manufacturing, and high technology is now our largest sector, supported largely by entrepreneurs in micro business.
Did You Know (according to the Small Business Profile published by gov.bc.ca):
- Small business represents about 98 percent of all businesses in BC and micro business (zero to four employees) represents a whopping 79 percent of small business.
- Small business accounts for 55 percent of private-sector employment in BC.
- Small business exporters in BC shipped over $12 billion in goods to international destinations in 2014.
- Small business provides upward of 45% of BC’s employment with 1,030,200 jobs. Information and cultural services report fast growth.
Thank you to our entrepreneurs!
Self employment for 55+ has been on the increase, especially for women. Advancements in technologies that support home-based business have encouraged entrepreneurship as a semi-retirement venture. Business can now be carried out with minimal investment on a global scale with a website and internet connection. Whether it’s offering experienced consulting or retail goods, seniors can work in the comfort of their own homes while offering their services to the world.
If you are thinking of launching your own business, there are many support agencies available to get you started and encourage you along the way. Have a peek at Small Business BC for resources and business education. Some of their webinars are free of charge, and you can phone their knowledgeable staff directly to ask your questions. If you need a website and advertising to expand your presence, give us a call here at iNFOTEL Multimedia. We would love to work with you encouraging your road to success.