1. Start with a Great Idea

You know what you are passionate about. Entrepreneurs are well known for working hard at what they love but on their own schedules. Sketch out a strategy outline to solidify the viability of your idea. Give yourself a launch date and stick to it.

2. Buy a Domain Name

Don’t procrastinate. Start now. As an entrepreneur, you already know you are a risk-taker and have passion for your business idea, so use that energy to move forward. Don’t get stuck in the rut of just thinking about your fantastic idea for years. Go to a domain registrar, like SiteGround, or the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) and search the best name for your idea. Keep your name short and relevant. Registering your domain name gives your business idea a level of protection. Congratulations! For approximately $20.00 and 10 minutes of your time, you’ve just taken the first step to starting your business.

3. Launch a Website

You don’t have to be fancy. Many entrepreneurs start with a one-page site then expand with more pages as their business grows. You can try a no-coding-needed platform like Wix or Squarespace. If launching a website is not in your queue of interests, call your local web designers and they can build one for you. Prices vary studio by studio, so you will want to query as many as possible to get a solid price. Most designers charge $2 to $10 thousand with non-refundable start-fee. We don’t charge an upfront fee to start a website project because of the financial difficulty this causes our local solopreneurs. If we build your website, we also register and pay for your domain name and yearly renewals. You don’t have to figure out every fine detail of your business at this point, and you don’t have to make currency transactions through your site until you’re ready. But, having a website gives you the opportunity to become known in the community as a legitimate business and makes your contact information and FAQ available 24/7 to mobile shoppers.

4. Business Cards

Having a website is a great starting point because now that you have a digital presence, you can put your website address on your business card along with your other contact details. Business cards give you the opportunity to engage in friendly face-to-face marketing that proves you have arrived. Business cards are easy to create and affordable through do-it-yourself sites like Vistaprint.

5. Be Patient

Ask entrepreneurs what drives them and they probably will not say money. Cash pays the bills, but successful entrepreneurship is built on creative passion and the freedom to express oneself professionally. Now that you are in motion, give your business time to grow. In the beginning, you did not get bogged down with unnecessary registrations, paperwork, expenses, or building an excessively detailed business plan that burned you out. So, keep your dream alive by being patient. Now that your kickstart is finished, you can take the time you need for time-consuming details. Most small businesses take about a year to mature into a profitable venture. Good luck and have fun!
Can we help? Infotel Multimedia: 250-260-7776 x107
Further Reading: Why Contractors Need a Website, Hooray for entrepreneurs!